30th Annual Wild Mushroom Show
Sunday, October 20, 2019, 12–5 p.m.
Bloedel Donovan Park
2214 Electric Ave
Bellingham, WA

Open to the public, doors open at noon. Cost is $10 general admission, $7 to Student/seniors, FREE to children under 12.

Attend one of the many tables, buy a mushroom guide, visit the ID table with specimens from your own yard. Also attend educational talks, on the hour, just behind the main community building.

Public talks in the Pavilion

1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.—Dick Morrison, Edible Mushrooms and Poisonous Look-Alikes
2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.—Fred Rhoades, Mushroom Ecology
3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.—Caleb Brown, All Things Psilocybin
4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.—Buck McAdoo, Mushrooms of Columbia

Show volunteers, special behind-the-scenes info
Saturday, Oct 19, collecting day: Deliver fresh-collected mushroom specimens to Bloedel Donovan Pavilion between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. (Note, building is occupied by the annual ski swap till 5 p.m.) Specimens should be in pristine condition, with each one packaged individually (hint: keep Amanitas upright). If you already know the mushroom’s name, please include it on a slip of paper; at time of collection, put a piece of paper under the mushroom (or of a sacrificed cap, if several individuals of the same species were collected) to collect a spore print to help identifiers as they ID. Our identifiers will sort and identify to genus that evening. Saturday night is a good time to familiarize yourselves with mushrooms, help the identifiers, and share some snacks with your fellow club members.

Sunday, day of show, display day: Arrive at 8 am to volunteer in one of many ways, including creating mushroom displays and centerpiece display, running tags between Pavilion and trays, during the show. Or arrive at 11 a.m. to detail and work a shift at any one of several tables: memberships, touch and smell, kids’ activities, sales t-shirts and books, ID, ecology, centerpiece, kitchen. Pick your favorite, or float around!

Doors open to the public promptly at 12 noon. At 5 p.m., we clean up and roll out potluck dishes available for a special post-show feast to celebrate the season and reward our volunteers.

Hands and eyes are still needed for shifts at the show. Is this you? Send a text to show Co-chair Mr. Richard Mollette at 360-927-5890.